The Night Sky- Extended

Five Pointed Star

Five Pointed Star

Five Pointed Star

The five-pointed star is commonly known as the pentagram. When the pentagram pointed upwards then it symbolizes aspiration, the spiritual world, and knowledge. Christians consider this as a symbols of Christ as Alpha and Omega. But when the symbol is inverted then the five pointed star represents the devil.

Six Pointed Star

Six Pointed Star

Six Pointed Star

The Six Pointed Star is known as hexagram or in Judaism- The star of David. The star is a combination of two triangles that symbolize the male an female. This also represents the link between Heaven and Earth. So its the symbol of the connection of opposites and creation. Its also called the Seal of the Solomon. Cause the prophet-king Solomon designed a ring like the Six pointed Star.




The Constellation is a group of a star that can form a recognizable pattern like a question mark of a head etc. There are almost 88 known patters named after many mythological characters.

Shooting Stars

Shooting Stars

Shooting Stars

When any object come down to earth due to earth’s gravitational force, the object has to come through the earth’s dense atmosphere. The object come down to the earth at a great speed that, with the friction of air the object lights with fire and turn to ashes. And at the night when some object come down to the earth and lights up at the earth’s atmosphere, a short line of light tear up the night sky. So its called a shooting Star. So there is no star actually flying here and there. The shooting stars symbolize the sparks of heavenly fire and divinity. They also represents the messengers and higher life. Its also considered as good omen and birth. Some believe that if you wish something during a shooting star, then it becomes true.

Modern Stars

Now a days stars are commonly used to represent hope and wishes. They are also linked to celebrity and famous characters. They called a star. Stars are also used on flags that represents quality. In 1777, newly formed USA first used five pointed star in their flag.

USA Flag

USA Flag


In the Hollywood Walk of Fame in Los Angeles, there are more than 2000 celebrity who are known as Stars and made some impact in the film industry.

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